Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Turtle and the Honda

To borrow from one of my favorite historical tales where a tortoise outraces a hare by making steady progress, I fully believe this is possible in my home town.

On the way out of (or into town depending on your perspective) our nice, peaceful city has added 438 stoplights (if you'll allow a bit of hyperbole). I believe my little tortoise legs could now outpace a car - any car.
I believe the stoplights are about 10 feet apart so you can fit one of those GEO Metros in between them. Are they timed - you might ask? Yes, by Satan himself, allowing you to reach each stop light just in time to watch the yellow fade.
I typically walk everywhere so I'm not bothered, but if you ordered Fattened Calf Greeting Cards during our new "99 cent shipping" promotion and you're wondering where they're at...most likely they are waiting in between stoplights 235 and 241.
Anyone up for a race?


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