Saturday, February 16, 2008

Could God Create a Rock...

so big that even He couldn't pick it up? This is the question I got from the guy sitting next to me on my flight home.

When these words first left his mouth, I wanted to roll my eyes and pretend that I was a deaf mute. I was then surprised to hear this guy say one of the most profound things.

He said, "this is a conversation that I recently had with my mother who is suffering through the sunset years of Alzheimer's disease. After I asked my mother this, she went on to say, 'of couse He could. He's God...and then in the next moment, he could move it. He's God."'

I think this may be the best answer I have ever heard in my life. Sometimes I think we miss out on knowledge because

1) we pretend to be deaf mutes when people actually have something profound to say.
2) we ask the wrong questions
3) We limit God's abilities by our limited knowledge of Him.

The more I learn in my studies, the more I realize I need to learn.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Writings of Jesus

Do you ever have side-bar thoughts? Today in chapel, the speaker referenced the text where Jesus got up and read in the synagogue about how He was the fulfillment to Isaiah's prophecy.

The thought that I couldn't shake is the realization that Jesus was literate. I know this probably isn't much of an "aha moment" for most people but I still find it fascinating due to the fact that he decided to let someone else record his teachings.

I recognize that a witness is always a better person to record events that take place but just think how incredible it would be if Jesus would have penned a couple of letters in the first person (much like Paul).

I know there are some high brows out there who are going to point out how Jesus was the inspiration and author of the entire Bible. Fair point and you get an "A" for the day.

Like I said, I just had a side-bar thought that it would be pretty amazing if Jesus would have written some teachings to us with his own pen. I guess this is why I am still captivated by scripture day after day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Overheard at the Office Part Deux

"That's it, no one is leaving the office until we sell 100 more cards and raise